Hymn of the Week: O Kind Creator (TALLIS' CANON)

 Hymn title: O Kind Creator, Bow Thine Ear

Tune name: TALLIS' CANON

Meter: LM (88 88) 

O Kind Creator is a wonderful Lenten hymn that brings the whole purpose of Lent to the forefront: 

"Give us the self-control that springs
From discipline of outward things;
That, fasting, inward, secretly,
The soul may purely dwell with Thee."

It is appropriate throughout the entire season, though better for the start where the focus is on us. As a nice bonus, the final verse can be repeated as a canon, with a new voice entering on the fourth beat of each subsequent bar. I made a little "director's cut," with Amens to lengthen the verse so that all voices end together, as a a bonus track of sorts for you - it should be sung a cappella, but that is only a minor challenge, as the tune is very simple.

Remember that Lenten hymns don't have to say the words "forty days" to be usable; that Lent need not be mentioned; that the word "ashes" should not be mentioned after day one, and if then, only during the imposition of such.

Click Here to print the hymn for free!

Click Here for the bonus canon verse!


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